Hello All,
First, I want to commend all of you who have met your blogging requirements in a timely manner and with a clear attention to detail. Thank you. Second, I want to urge you to be sure that by THIS SUNDAY you have completed the following:
1. Introductory Blog Post
2. Reflective Blog Post #1
3. Comments on Blog Post #1 for your triad members.
4. Reflective Blog Post #2
ALSO: Please be sure that you are meeting the length requirement for your reflective blog posts! If you aren't sure how many words you have, write your post as a Google doc first and then cut and paste it into the new blog post.
Prompt for Reflective Post #2:
Choose a character from
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. Explore the way that the character has been indirectly characterized through his or her actions, thoughts and/or speech. You may choose any character you like, even a minor character. Be sure to focus on INDIRECT CHARACTERIZATION.
As always, check your work for errors in grammar, usage and mechanics. Also, check to see that you have met the
300 word minimum for your post.
Good luck!
Mrs. Jolliffe